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Don’t Be Afraid of Classes in Python (using TS-18 Indicators)

Many of TS-18 Indicators are Class Based and Here is Why! Many indicators need their prior bar’s value to calculate the current bar’s value.  In Python, external modules or functions that calculate these values have amnesia; they can’t even remember what their prior output was.  In TS-18, all indicators and their associated classes and functions […]


Synthetic Trading Class

Name:        synthTradeClass
Purpose:     Calculates and tracks positions based on synthetic orders
runs independed of ‘real’ order directives.
Author:      George
Created:     17/08/2022
Copyright:   (c) George 2022


Trend Following Systems Update and New Release of TS-18 Coming Soon

Hello to All! I have provided an update to the continuous contract data that I was filtering from the Quandl’s free Chris database or WikiFutures.  Unfortunately, like many of the data streams from Quandl that database has been deprecated.  So I will see if I can find some other free data.  However, the data from […]


Programming A Swing System in TradingSimula-18 and Python

Swing-Pivot System in TS-18 Hello I just released a video that details this system  Here is the pseudo-code. Start off looking for the completion of 6 daily bars If Looking for High Pivot: UpCnt +=1 UpCnt > 6 – Once six bars has transpired then start looking for a High Pivot Pt myHigh[D1] > myHigh[D2] […]


Set Your Own Slippage Dynamically

WowsssadfSlippage Can Vary Throughout the Life of a Back-Test Many testing platforms allow you to set a slippage and commission fee on a trade by trade basis.  The only problem is that it is fixed for the life of the back test.  You can always set a high amount to err on the side of […]


The Enigmatic Turtle Trading System in Python

Correction to Original Post!  Turtle Intro [Corrections in bold and results –  August 6, 2020] My favorite book on the Turtle Trading System is Curtis Faith’s “Way of the Turtle.”  I like this book because of the thorough explanation of the rules as told by Curtis.  Having been in this industry for a very long […]


TradingSimula-18 with OpenPYXL

Hi to all!  If you have purchased my TrendFollowing book and have used TradingSimula-18 you will notice all the data is in tabular format.  I have now included output in the form of an Excel document that plots the combined equity curve of the system you are testing.  Here is what the equity curve looks […]


Trading 3 Least Risky Markets on a Sector Basis

Using TradingSimula-18 to Poll and Sort Daily Market Risk and Limit Market/Sector Exposure In this post I hope to demonstrate the power of TS-18.  I want to back test a simple Donchian system that only trades the three least risky (defined by long entry price – long exit price or short entry price – short […]


Combining Trend Following with ES-Mean Reversion

Mean Reversion and Trend Following Produces Smooth Equity Curve Expanding to a large portfolio is easy to do if you have a very large account.  Most retail trading accounts can’t cover the margin requirement nor the risk involved with trading many markets.  Take a look at this chart. It trades a very small portfolio of […]


An Explanation of the numPosCurrentSector function

Here is some code and visual aid to help understand how TradingSimula-18 figures out how many current positions are in the same sector as the market that is currently being tested. Now that I know the sector the current market belongs to I can use that information to extract the total positions in that sector. […]

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